Job: Another Look

There are many unique aspects to the Old Testament book of Job, but one of the surprises is that in the end, it is the “innocent” and very righteous man who repents. In fact, his exact words are, “I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:6). Read more…

Job’s Job

In my annual trek through the Bible, this week finds me in the book of Job. Every encounter with this book comes with questions, new and old. Why do the godly suffer? Read more…

Anyone out there? Anyone? Anyone?

A couple of weeks ago I came across yet another recent article about our sophisticated radio telescopes seeking to hear from life on other planets in other galaxies. Read more…


Today, much is attributed to faith because we define it so broadly. When an athlete believes he can come back from a serious injury, we say she has faith. When a child writes a letter to Santa, Read more…


One morning I saw a little boy, maybe five years old, riding the smallest of two-wheelers in a large parking lot, under the watchful eye of his mother. It was after the rain of the previous two days, Read more…

On Forgiving

Forgiveness is rare because it is difficult, and difficult because it seems to mock justice.

“I’ll never forgive,” we hear, “because the hurt is too deep. He owes so much that he could never repay me or make it right.” Justice tells us that our rights have been violated, Read more…

Better days are coming!

A small flock of Canadian geese have chosen to make their home near ours. They often appear on the river bank, and this morning I was greeted by two proud parents and three small goslings swimming in their wake. Read more…

The Wise, Foolish King

It’s alarming to read that in the latter years of his life, Solomon was drawn away to worship other gods (1 Kings 11:1-8). The text tells us that his love for many foreign women motivated him to build temples to their gods and even participate in their worship. Read more…

Does God ever change His mind?

Those of us who believe that God is immutable (unchangeable) and sovereign are sometimes called upon to answer that very question. It comes up in 1 Samuel 15:10, after Saul has once again gone off the rails and blatantly disobeyed a direct command from the Lord. “The word of the Lord came to Samuel, Read more…

David and Abigail: Lessons Learned

The book of First Samuel details King David’s rise to power. There are many incidents and actions which demonstrate his character, and fitness to be the king. There are many ups and downs, notably his confrontation with Goliath, and of course, his continual flight from the ever-pursuing, insanely jealous, King Saul. Read more…