Growth Group Week 10

Going Deeper–For Growth Groups:  


  1. Jesus taught us to love our enemies, and yet God eventually judges them. How do we reconcile these ideas? Why is punishment eternal?


  1. Paul notes twice, in v. 5 and v. 11, that we are “counted worthy” of salvation. How is that different from being worthy?


  1. We think of the gospel as a blessed set of facts, but Paul also points out that it is to be “obeyed.” How is the gospel also a command?


  1. Here God’s judgment is portrayed as an instantaneous event, but the prophets and Revelation (16:12-16) speak of “Armageddon.” In light of Psalm 2, how long do you think such a battle with God would last?

Growth Group Week 9

       Going Deeper–For Growth Groups:                                       


  1. What is the difference between respecting worthy leaders and mindlessly obeying abusive ones? Are leaders respected today?


  1. If verses 13b-15 are about peace-making, how is this different from a “peace at any price” attitude? Why is peace so evasive?


  1. How do God’s commands and promises work together for our holiness?


  1. “Rejoice!” is a command. Why is it often difficult for us to obey?

Growth Group Week 8

Going Deeper–For Growth Groups:  


  1. It is possible to know the certainty of an event without knowing exactly when it will happen. How does the “labor pains” picture help?


  1. List the reasons/resources Paul says help believers not be overtaken or surprised by Jesus’ return. What does it mean to be watchful?


  1. The “Day of the Lord” is God’s judgment. How is it also a rescue?


  1. What is it for us to be not “appointed to wrath”? How is this true?

Growth Group Week 7

 Going Deeper–For Growth Groups:                                


  1. How is Paul’s use of the word “hope” different from our normal use? How is this hope different from wishful thinking or “luck”?


  1. If Jesus brings dead believers with Him, where are they now? How is this comforting? How should we, and how can we, comfort one another? How/why do some comfort attempts fall short?


3. If Jesus’ return comes with an angel, a loud shout, and a trumpet blast, why do you think some call this a “secret” appearance?

Growth Group Week 6

Going Deeper–For Growth Groups:                                  


  1. Make a list of the “compassion” and “love” terms Paul uses in this passage and Acts 20:17-38 to describe his passion. Where does this intensity originate and how is it maintained?


  1. Good shepherds care for people without manipulating them. What are the differences between loving and enabling, care vs. obsession?


  1. What does it mean for people to be our joy and crown? How do we know when a shepherd (servant-leader) cares for us?

Growth Group Week 5

Going Deeper–For Growth Groups:
1. What we do with a gift demonstrates how and if we treasure it. What do you think it means to receive God’s Word AS God’s Word? What are some ways to do that? What are the results?
2. Paul says that God’s Word was “at work in you who believe.” How does God’s Word work in us? What do you think is the process?
3. Paul’s critique of the Jews has been used throughout history as an excuse for anti-Semitism. How can we counter such arguments?

Growth Group Week 4

Going Deeper–For Growth Groups:
1. What we do with a gift demonstrates how and if we treasure it. What do you think it means to receive God’s Word AS God’s Word? What are some ways to do that? What are the results?
2. Paul says that God’s Word was “at work in you who believe.” How does God’s Word work in us? What do you think is the process?
3. Paul’s critique of the Jews has been used throughout history as an excuse for anti-Semitism. How can we counter such arguments?

Growth Group Week 3

  1. While in many places, Christians are persecuted as they were in the first century, we can barely tolerate being inconvenienced. How do we move from selfishness to laying down our lives for others?


  1. Why is our fear of man so great? How does it manifest itself in our personal lives? In our families? In our churches?


  1. Paul’s use of mother / father images should help us in discipling and dealing with people. How do “mom and dad” work together?


Growth Group Week 2

  1. According to Paul, what does it mean for the gospel to come with power? How does God’s power manifest itself in human lives?


  1. Paul is convinced that God has chosen the Thessalonians. Why?


  1. The Thessalonians’ faith, within just a few months, had spread throughout the region. What do you think accounts for this?

Growth Group Week 1

Going Deeper–For Growth Groups:
1. Why do you think a gospel of love and free forgiveness is opposed?
2. Most of the early opposition to the gospel came from the Jews. Why?
3. Why do you think we aren’t being persecuted for the gospel? If and when we are, will you attend church meetings?