Misery and Company

Misery may love company, but ultimately, has none. And that is because it loves self-justification, self-pity, and self-righteousness, truly jealous roommates. When we discover a person who is wallowing in those things, it often is someone who does so in spite of many potential sources of help and the counsel Read more…

“He’s in a world of his own.”

We used to hear these words describing a day dreamer, someone who, in spite of whatever was going on around him, was so comfortable in his own thoughts, he didn’t seem to notice anyone else. Read more…

“I am the way.”

Of all Jesus’ sayings, perhaps the most scandalous, and certainly the most politically incorrect, is “I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). No one comes to the Father except though me.” Read more…

“I’m spiritual, but not religious.”

How often have you heard that? Spiritual, but not religious.

If you probe a little, or just listen, that’s usually followed by the speaker’s philosophy of life, or view of morality, or concept of God, or all three: as if he or she has crafted a home-made Read more…

The Beautiful Camel

Our word “camel” comes from the Arabic root word for “beauty.” That may sound strange to us, who jokingly refer to this humped-backed enigma as “a horse put together by a committee.” Read more…

Alien Reduction

Over the last few weeks I’ve seen two reports of UFO’s, which refueled the debate about whether we are alone in the Universe. Carl Sagan famously pointed out that with so many Read more…

Yet One More Sabbath

As you know, the Israelites were to celebrate every fiftieth year by not planting or harvesting their crops. The idea was to have a year of Jubilee in which debts were forgiven, land was returned to its rightful Read more…

Believing is seeing.

Many in my generation will remember their moms telling them how much better their eyesight would be if only they would eat their cooked carrots. Not blessed with 20/20 vision myself, I was hopeful that my own mother was right, but carrots were never my favorite. Read more…

God’s not like that!

We may have doubts about many things, but one of our certainties should be God’s character. If we think He is capricious and uncaring, we will turn away from Him, but if we know He is benevolent and merciful, Read more…

Is it sinking in?

When we read the Bible, we have a front-row seat to God’s actions and intentions for our world. The TANAKH, the Older Testament, was specifically written to Israel, and their experiences are patterns for us who live in the latter days (1 Corinthians 10:6, 11). Likewise, the records of disciples, churches, Read more…