Reconnecting at a deeper level
Our lives are very busy, in fact I think they are busier now than they have been in the past and they aren’t getting slower any time soon. Because of this, we are finding it difficult to stay connected to our spouse.
Five Love Languages
If you read last months blog with my suggested challenge of trying to come up with an “over-the-top” way of serving your spouse and are having some trouble coming up with an idea, I would like to suggest that you read or reread Dr. Chapman’s book “the Five Love Languages”.
Are you your Partner’s best cheerleader?
Are you your Partner’s best cheerleader?
School has started and hopefully the kids are back in person and able to participate in activities with their friends. Having observed most of the different sports training programs,
Rejuvenation – good for the soul, the body and the marriage!
Gen 2:2 By the seventh day God had finished his work. On the seventh day he rested from all his work.
Planting your Marriage Garden
Now that it is July, many of us are taking care of our garden. We would encourage you to be planting these in your marriage garden: lettuce, peas, squash and thyme.
Is a complaining spirit destroying your marriage?
Is a complaining spirit destroying your marriage?
This last year has been very difficult for all of us. We are in a situation that we have very little control over. For some of us, this brings out a critical nature where we start to complain about many things in our life. Unfortunately, constantly complaining doesn’t
The Same but Different
During our 44 years of marriage Jan and I have been married to six different people. How can this be, you ask? Well, psychologists tell us that as we age we are changed by our life experiences and they tend to break these into seven year periods. Therefore, we are different people as we age.
The power of praise in your marriage
This March, we will have been “social distancing” for a full year. Looking back, we are finding that we are missing many of the life interactions that encouraged us and helped us to feel positive about ourselves.
How do you keep your affection fresh and alive?
Most happily married couples have various habits or rituals that they do to help keep their marriages alive and fresh. These are the things that they do to say “I love you!” or
3 Points of Conflict in Marriage

If I had one evening I could spend with any person, no one in the world would outrank my wife. We have grown in mutual understanding so that it is rarely necessary to quarrel and argue. Nevertheless,