Delightfully. . . and Dangerously Different

Our God is infinite, and therefore infinitely creative. One of the more creative things He did in Creation (from our very limited point of view) was to involve the various combinations

and recombinations of DNA in each new animal or human to be born. The possibilities are staggering.

One article in the Scientific American asserted that the chance for two humans to have the same fingerprint is one in 64 Trillion, for all practical purposes, zero. That article was published in June, 1894, so we’ve known this for over 120 years!

If fingerprints are any indicator of human diversity, guess what the odds might be of our agreeing on the best bistro, beverage, or book. Then, factor in our ten thousand other preferences and prejudices, and ask yourself if it’s any wonder why people don’t get along.

Why is this important? Because understanding that diversity clearly is God’s plan might help us be a little more understanding on a host of things as we relate to others. Obviously this emphasis on diversity has “gone to seed” in our day, with people inventing genders and demanding their own pronouns. As far as human rights and abilities are concerned, we are far more alike than different.

Still, realizing that the person with whom we are speaking or negotiating or traveling may very legitimately have a different perspective may help us be a little more patient, a little more yielding, a little more reasonable.

It’s all too easy to use our own preferences and comfort zone as the unchallenged bellwether rather than listening, not to mention even enjoying, another, fresh viewpoint. No doubt this reality is behind Jesus’ warning (Matthew 7:1) not to judge (condemn) others and Paul’s admonition (Philippians 4:2) for Euodia and Syntyche to be of one mind in the Lord.

We need never compromise on what we prefer, but we must be discreet about how and when we apply our preferences, lest we find ourselves growing impatient when we could be loving, and legalistic when we should be extending grace.

While the odds of identity are one in trillions, the odds of our reining in our demands for the sake of unity should not be.

“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit
through the bond of peace.”
Ephesians 4:3

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