Give yourself a break.

Stress creates many problems for us, including unrealistic expectations about how much stress we can handle and even how we deal with it.

As of now, let’s see, you may die since you touched your face after opening mail, you haven’t been anywhere for three months, and your city is being looted by thieves the media calls “protesters.” What else could be wrong? Oh, that’s right, you! You’re a racist. Nearly forgot.

So, let’s take a couple of deep breaths. It’s not that racism isn’t real or critical, but when everyone is a racist the word loses its impact, as when anyone demanding law and order is “literally Hitler.”

And of course viruses are real, and lock downs were originally well intentioned, and there may even have been good reasons for social distancing and masks. But the point is, none of this is sustainable.

That is, humans were not meant to live like this for long periods of time, and when we are forced into these uncomfortable and often irrational scenarios, stress is inevitable. What to do?

Well, the standard answers are pray, read your Bible, have faith, etc. But you already are doing those things. So may I make a suggestion?

First, stop watching every report of the madness, and remember that since it all runs on advertising dollars, the “news” is sensationalized.

Next, don’t beat yourself up because you are stressed. Of course you are! Don’t compound the problem with false guilt and vanity. It is perfectly okay to let them see you sweat, er. . . be vulnerable.

Then, every day find a quiet place. Every day. And really quiet, and not just for a minute. This is the most difficult part, because we’re addicted to our own adrenaline and noise and motion. Aren’t we?

And in that quiet place, tell Jesus you are His, and thank Him for taking care of you, and leading you beside still waters and restoring your soul. Be still, and let Him do it. Yes, you can, and He will.

“Father, we thank you for promising peace that passes understanding, and we ask for grace to receive it from your hand. We thank you for sending your Son, the Good Shepherd, and calling us into His flock. Amen.”

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