He could have made us. . .

He could have made us to swallow food whole.
Instead He gave us taste buds to savor steak and crave chocolate.
He could have made us with light sensors.

Instead He gave us eyes to be stunned by sunsets and fall leaves.
He could have made us oblivious to sound.
Instead He gave us hearing to enjoy music and laughter.
He could have made us all at the same time.
Instead He gave us families.
He could have made us adults.
Instead He gave us childhood.
He could have made us without noses.
Instead He gave us the delights of jasmine and cinnamon.
He could have made us with paws.
Instead He gave us fingers to entwine and thumbs to grasp.
He could have made us passionless.
Instead He gave us love, joy, grief, and anticipation.
He could have made us expressionless.
Instead He gave us smiles that warm and eyes that welcome.
He could have made us mute.
Instead He gave us poetry and music and conversation.
He could have made us with instincts.
Instead He gave us imagination.

He could have made us after any other pattern He chose.
Instead, He made us in His image.

“And just as we have born the image of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the Man from heaven.” 1 Corinthians 15:49

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