Heart Trouble

Jesus often took the Pharisees to task because of their focus upon the externals. He told them that what defiles us is not what enters our stomach, but what comes out of our hearts. Matthew 15:10-20

And it is our trials which expose and purify our hearts. I have heard comments from several individuals lately about what the virus and the lock down have taught them, especially about themselves.

Often they say that God has taught them patience, or has proven faithful, or has given a renewed sense of His presence or provision.

How is your heart? What have you discovered about yourself? Short fuse? Fear? Impatience waiting in line? Panic over ever changing news? Obsession about when the craziness will end? Plain old anger? A new resolve to trust God? Rekindled love for His Word and prayer?

Whatever is revealed, take it to heart. Pun intended. Allow your perseverance to complete its work (James 1:4) so that the lessons will not be lost. We only pass through once, and the door for exercising faith during this particular trial may close sooner than we think.

“Father, it’s difficult sometimes to look past the trial to the effects it is having on us. We pray you will help us pay attention to our heart’s health. In Jesus’ name! Amen.”

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