I resolve to…..

Hi everyone,

Well….here we go again. We are about to turn the corner on another year.
At this point I think it is fair to say that for many of us, even if we
don’t go for the “New Year’s Eve Celebration” are still prone to give some
thought to the new year and certain goals that we would like to attain. Of
course these are typically called “New Year’s resolutions” and span the
gamut from losing weight, to new exercise schedules, to cleaning out the
basement. While these are all good aspirations, God’s word gives some

examples of resolutions that have eternal significance. Here are a few:

Jehoshaphat, during a time of great peril resolved to inquire of The Lord –

2 Chronicles 20:3

Daniel resolved to not defile himself as a captive in a foreign land –

Daniel 1:8

God himself called the people of Israel to resolve to honor Him – Malachi


Paul resolved to know nothing but Christ Jesus and Him crucified while he

was in Corinth. – 1 Corinthians 2:2

Four small examples that are big on wisdom. If you put them all together in
one resolution, there is a resolve to seek God’s wisdom and to live a life
of holiness that honors Him, exalts the name of Christ, and shares the


Imagine if a person resolved to live this way and did so with great
regularity. What a beautiful life they would live before the Lord. I
emphasize again that I am not knocking other “resolutions” because they have
their place but at the end of one’s life would it be better to have been
thin, in shape, and enjoying a clean living space, or holy, faithful and a

person who had been a dedicated messenger of the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Whatever it is we resolve to do this year, let us strive to keep the charge

found in this passage of scripture:

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord,
not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an
inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are

serving.” –

Colossians 3:23-24

For Him,


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