
As we’ve experienced many weeks of separation, and now contemplate physical gatherings, we’re reminded again of what intimacy means. Not hugging and not touching is hard when you feel close to someone. God has made us social creatures, and we crave physical contact.

But the physical is merely an outward expression of of the inward intimacy we share with others of our Christian family. We are one in spirit, doctrine, and hope, bonds which may seem unbreakable.

But there are many things which can stretch and test our unity in Christ. Such was happening in Corinth, when a man caught in sin was disciplined by the congregation at Paul’s instruction. 1 Corinthians 5

Apparently their enthusiasm for discipline had overtaken their love of forgiveness, so Paul reminds them that the goal of the correction was restoration, not punishment. 2 Corinthians 2:5-11

He points out that. . .
1. The man has suffered enough. He has repented.
2. It is your duty now to forgive and restore him.

Or what? Or else he may be “overwhelmed by excessive sorrow” (v. 7), in which case they all would have been outwitted by Satan, who purposes and exploits just such circumstances (v. 11). Let that sink in.

Paul is saying that what we call “spiritual warfare” happens in our midst, in the way we handle our relationships. Satan always seeks to divide us, whether by sin, gender, race, politics, or generation. He prowls around like a lion, seeking prey (1 Peter 5:8), and those who are crushed by guilt or exalted by pride are his easiest victims.

Our masks and social distancing are physical and temporary safety measures which demonstrate our love and respect for one another. But that inward intimacy should be stronger than ever, and every single person among us should experience the warmth of love and genuine, full acceptance as a brother or sister in Christ.

“Father, we thank you for creating us to be forever family. Help us to love, accept, greet, help, and pray for one another, that the world may know we are yours. For Jesus’ sake. Amen”

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