Prayer of a prison worker

These past two weeks have been very difficult for me at the prison. Below is
a prayer from me to The Lord about what I have been facing. While you might
not work in a prison, you have your own stressors. Perhaps you would be
blessed to cry out to The Lord for help as well.

I am tired. Give me strength to face each day and make it through.

My king, some of these men would look to harm me. I do not know all that
they have plotted. Keep me safe. Keep those around me safe.

Abba, I have so much work that I don’t know where to turn, so I will turn to
you. Help me to not carry the burden of the unfinished upon my shoulders
each day.

Almighty, some of these men have been so hurt. They have been abused,
neglected, hated, and guided into danger and destruction. Help me to be
compassionate and to know what to say to them that would bring healing.

Lord Jesus, sin is all around me. The crude words, the hateful thoughts, the
violent speech and behaviors, the lying, the manipulation at the expense of
others. You carried the cross of all people’s sins. Help me not grow overly
weary. Show me how to walk under the weight of this atmosphere.

My Savior, I feel the effects of the eighteen years that I have been with
these men. I see the faces of so many who have unsettled me. I carry the
sorrows of so much of what I have seen. I want to turn away from the coming
day of chains and locks and gloom. Save me from despair. Lift my head.
Refresh my soul. Help me to find my joy in you and the blessings you have



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