2 Corinthians 1:12-22 “The Cross creates promise keepers.”

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Sermon Notes

The Apostle Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians:  How the Cross Changes Everything


The Cross gives suffering meaning and purpose.  This is the theme of Second Corinthians, and, we might say, the whole Bible.  Suffering and what to do with it is THE largest question posed by life and the most difficult question posed by critics and sufferers alike.  When we ask, “Where is God in my pain?” Paul answers, “He is in the middle of it with you, transforming it for His glory and your good.”  Below are three resources to support us as we work through this powerful letter together: a list of memory verses from each sermon to guide your meditation, a playlist of essential hymns and encouraging contemporary songs to listen to, and the lyrics to those hymns and songs so you can delve deeper into God’s truths.  Our prayer is that you will see anew, or for the first time, how the Cross of Christ changes everything for you and your life.


Memory Verses from Pastor Kinzel’s series on Second Corinthians


The Cross Changes Everything Youtube Playlist


Lyrics for the songs on The Cross Changes Everything Youtube Playlist