Why would God serve us?

To some it may sound blasphemous to say that God serves us. We serve Him, and not the other way around. But the Bible says that. . .

God daily bears our burdens. Psalm 68:18
God sustains us in old age. Isaiah 46:4a
God carries and rescues us. Isaiah 46:4b
God keeps us in His arms, near to His heart. Isaiah 40:11
God leads us and feeds us safely. Psalm 23:1-3
God gives strength to the weary, power to the weak. Isaiah 40:29

We believe all this at some level, or at least want to believe it. But we may not know what these things mean. Just HOW does God bear our burdens, sustain, feed, and strengthen us? How does it work?

First, these, and all of God’s blessings come only through and by means of faith. They don’t magically appear. They are promise-based, enabling believers to do the right things and say the right things because they believe the right things. Faith creates nothing; it lays hold of everything. Faith is the checkbook to God’s riches.

Second, these, and all of God’s blessings come only through and by means of Jesus. He not only secured them for His people, but demonstrated how to live in light of them. When you read carefully what Jesus said about His relationship to His Father, you see where the stability comes from. That stability can be ours as well.

There is a great example of how all of this fits together in John 4:31-34. The disciples have just arrived back from their trip to the grocery, when Jesus speaks of having food they know nothing of. It turns out He is speaking about how energized He is to do God’s will.

For faith, this is not a figure of speech. True spiritual stamina is given through God’s Word, and true satisfaction through the refreshing springs of His promises. See how Jesus explains this in John 5-7.

So to answer the original question, God delights to provide for His people simply because they are His people, Jesus’ own brothers and sisters. Have you realized that God loves YOU as He does Jesus? Read the words in John 15:9; 16:27; 17:20-23, 26 and bask in this reality. Jesus is saying that the blessings of the Trinity can be yours. You have but to say “Yes” to Him.

“Father, we cast ourselves upon your promises, for you could never fail us any more than you could fail Jesus. We thank you for your unchanging nature. We rest in it as the foundation of all of your promises, and in a rapidly changing world, we take refuge in You, through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

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