“Honor and Accountability” 1 Timothy 5:17–6:2

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Sermon Notes



How do we apply these principles?


  1. Saints and Sinners Humans tend either to worship their leaders or demonize them. Paul calls for leaders to be both honored and held accountable, but that requires a ruthless objectivity which is often cast aside under pressure or intimidation. Why is it so difficult for people to be objective about leaders? How do these guidelines dovetail with elder qualifications listed in 3:1-6? What might tempt a church just to cover up the sin of its leaders? What happens when it does? What does it imply that some sins appear quickly, others over time? Why does choosing leaders take time?


  1. Honor and Double Honor What does “double honor” imply? How does Paul use the Old Testament quotations in v. 18? Some have suggested that to support a pastor (elder) monetarily is wrong because it places him above the people as privileged. How would you answer them? Why are some elders “paid” and other not? How can this privilege be abused? 1 Peter 5:1-5


  1. Slaves and Masters As we study the book of Philemon, along with the rest of the New Testament, it is clear that the kind of slavery referenced is quite different from that of the USA in pre-Civil War days. How would you paraphrase Paul’s message to slaves? How does that principle apply to employees today? Why is there an implied message to masters as well? How would you paraphrase it for today? Why the reminder that our faith must extend to the marketplace? Col. 3:22–4:1