How do we apply these principles?
- Wrong, or just a difference of opinion? While God leaves many things God to our own choices, sound doctrine is not one of them. Called “the truth,” “the deposit,” and here, “the faith,” God’s word is to be a church’s focus (1 Tim. 1:3, 4; 2 Tim. 4:1-5; Titus 1:10, 11). What are the things Paul lists that are drawing people away from truth? Why is Paul so passionate about all of this? Are these teachers naive, or purposefully deceptive? How can you tell? Why would the false teachers be targeting marriage and dietary laws?
- For or Against? Though Paul warns against false doctrines, that is not the emphasis. We are to teach what God is FOR, such as grace, mercy, and love, which He pours out freely in the gospel and which overflows into the lives of others. Why do so many think of godliness as deprivation (as in “diet”) rather than richness (think “nutrition”). If Jesus came to give us abundant life (John 10:10), why are we so tempted by the “junk food” of sin to turn away from the full spiritual nourishment at His blessed table (Eph. 1:3-12)? Is Jesus truly our “Bread of Life”? Are we satisfied in Him? John 6:35
- Consistency or Convenience? At least a dozen imperatives dot this passage, Life is not a game, nor a vacation, nor a spa. It is a boot camp where we learn the discipline of discipleship. How is this different from salvation by works, or earning God’s favor by working? What are some practical things Paul lists for spiritually staying on track? Hebrews 12:1-17